October 3
October 2
October 1
Sisters from Croatia Visit F.D.C.s in United States
Traveling all the way from Eastern Europe Sister Elvira Tadic and Sister Danica Sanader began their tour of the United States in Staten Island on March 25. Their tour of the United States apostalates began with a trip to Manhattan. At St. Mary’s Residence, they were introduced to several of the building’s residents and were able to meet with the Sisters that manage the day to day operations for the entire building.
While staying in the St. Joseph Hill Convent, the Sisters were able to visit St. Joseph Hill Academy’s Elementary and High Schools. While in the school, they were greeted with students from the youngest grades in Pre-K and welcomed by students in the high school who were able to speak to them in their native language.
Their weekend on Staten Island was filled with celebrations. Saturday began with Mass with their fellow Sisters and then off to a luncheon where the Daughters of Divine Charity received an award honoring their support of the Seton School for Learning. Although the event benefitted the students at the Seton Foundation School for Learning, it was clear to Sister Elvira and Sister Danica that the Sisters bring great joy and happiness to their families. While dancing with the students and Sisters, they were able to meet the students’ family members and teachers and learn how grateful the school community is to the Daughters of Divine Charity.
Next, Sister Elvira and Sister Danica were accompanied by Sister William and Sister Regina to St. Elizabeth’s in Bloomfield Hills, MI. Here they spent time with the Sisters gaining an appreciation for the setting of their convent. During their visit they were also able to visit Akron, OH. While in Akron, the Sisters were able to see the Sisters’ work in action in the Lenora Hall. This apostalate provides care for women that are developmentally disabled as well as care for the elderly.
Throughout their visit the Sisters in the United States, they were able to see the real lives and real work happening here. Sister William hopes that they will return home with stories to entice some of the Sisters from their Province to relocate to the United States to help the Sisters here continue to carry out their mission.
From the Sisters, Thank You for St. Joseph’s Day!
A Message from the Sisters-
Thank You! March 19, St. Joseph’s Day, holds a special place in all of our hearts. It has always been a our special feast day to reflect on our patron, Saint Joseph. As teachers in Hill, we hoped to instill in our students a special love for the father of Jesus. Last night, we saw our hopes turned to reality.
In the past few years, a tradition has taken shape thanks to our generous, kind, and loving group of current Hill families, Hill graduates, Lay Associates and Junior Associates.
Our celebration began with a beautiful Mass and the Associates Commitment Renewal. Special thanks to Sister Denise for coordinating all the elements of the Mass and for organizing and preparing the school auditorium. Although we could not hold this special occasion in our beloved chapel, Sister Denise transformed the gym into a beautiful setting for all of the Sisters and our guests to enjoy. Sister Josita gathered a large group of Associates to this year’s ceremony. Each Associate promises to carry out the charism of the Daughters of Divine Charity in their own lives by “Making God’s Love Visible” to all they touch.
Following Mass, nearly 100 guests joined the Sisters for a remarkable dinner. Each family added a delightful dish to our potluck dinner. From tomato and mozzarella and antipasto, fresh baked rolls and St. Joseph’s bread, to penne vodka and chicken marsala, to honey baked ham and mashed potatoes, all the way to the dessert table of cookies, cakes, scones and of course, St. Joseph’s Pasties, every bite tasted even more delicious knowing they were made to be shared with people who truly love Saint Joseph, the Sisters and Hill.