Please join us in prayer to St. Joseph. Our Sisterssay this devotion every day in honor of him during this special year proclaimed by our Holy Father.
O Saint Joseph our Guardian dear, this house and its members keep in your care; that the grace of God and blessings without end may from heaven upon us abundantly descend.
Grant that unity we may possess and love and peace and happiness.
And may the spirit of the fear of God at all times with us abide.
May our every work a virtue be leading us onward to God and to you.
With fervent prayers for this we sigh that you, with us, will always abide.
The key of this house to you we give, grant we may always in happiness live.
Sin and the spirit of darkness, lock out from the hearts of your devoted flock.
Into the Sacred Heart of our Lord enfold us and our dear ones; we you implore, that our home and life may always be like unto Nazareth with Jesus, Mary and you.