Come to St Joseph Hill Convent to bake Christmas cookies with the Sisters. Space is limited and if you are interested, please contact Elizabeth Cotter at [email protected] for more information.
December 20, 2012 – Christmas Party
Enjoy a Christmas Party with the Sisters, Join us for Christmas Carols followed by a Pizza dinner at St Joseph Hill Convent. Please contact Elizabeth Cotter at [email protected] if you are planning to attend.
Taking Shape!
The building is really taking shape! The outline is amazing and I can begin to see the shape of things to come. God bless EVERYONE who has had a hand in this!
Progress: September 10th, 2012
As the sacred is driven more and more from public life it becomes all the more urgent for all believers to be authentic in their faith. We know how quickly we must update our electronic appliances and what was new a few months ago is obsolete. Why would we think that our religious education from childhood or youth does not need to be polished and adapted to our fast changing culture and life circumstances. We have at our disposal opportunities that would make even our dear Mother Foundress envious. Information is all around us for the taking. We have diocesan publications, free libraries, the internet which has websites and posts by dioceses, religious congregations, Catholic publishing companies and many private individuals. The coming year of faith is a challenge to dioceses and parishes to provide programs to help people. The upcoming Synod of Bishops will be responding to our Holy Father and his predecessor’s requests for a New Evangelization. In the past this meant foreign missions, now, though they are not excluded, it is the previously Catholic cultures that must be re-evangelized. We are invited to become closer to Jesus, to have an faith that is internalized in a loving relationship with the Blessed Trinity. How excited would Mother Franziska be with this and how she would strive to motivate her sisters to be examples of persons in love with God, radiating a charity and loving care for every person they meet. No one is so alone that they do not come into contact with other persons. Perhaps God lets us meet a mailman or shopkeeper because we are to be the presence of God’s love for them. No one is exempt from this great world mission. We are called Daughters of Divine Charity which is translated in most of our languages as (Divine Love). Our very title is our program and the opportunities to deepen this love in our own hearts and to radiate it in our sad and lonely, lost world are endless and everywhere. We have a glorious task and a joyous and fulfilling future.