The Daughters of Divine Charity have been in the United States for 100 years. Over that time, they taught countless numbers of children, served the needs of women in crisis, worked in hospitals, assisted in parish ministry, tended to the needs of the elderly, etc. As early as the 1940s, our Sisters began an after-care program in one of our schools so that mothers could work outside the home to support the family.
The Sisters, like those of so many congregations, did this work for next to nothing. As they retired, the younger members of the community working in the ministries supported their elderly members. But now things are very different.
The number of Sisters in the United States has dwindled, and the average age of religious has increased. No longer can these wonderful women depend solely on their members for their care. They must now go back to the people they served and ask for help. Many will remark that the Church has money so the Sisters should be fine. The Catholic church does not give monetary support to women religious. The proceeds of the annual collection for retired religious in the parishes are distributed to various congregations in need. Thus, it is still your generosity that is supporting Sisters.
We have been blessed with many generous donors who never forgot what the Sisters did for them over the years. There are many ways for you to help support our Sisters.
Each year we have two appeals. Our Christmas appeal is sent to our friends in early November, and our St. Joseph appeal is mailed in February. You may read our current appeal letter by clicking on the Appeal tab.
The Sisters are engaged in a Capital Campaign to build a handicapped accessible home for their retirement. You can view the video outlining the needs of the Sisters and learn how you can help with this project by going to the Campaign page.
Our Donate Now page is a convenient tab which allows you to make a donation on line using your credit card. Be assured that this method is safe and secure.
If you would like to know more about the Congregation and its beginnings, please visit our Products page. There you can purchase a number of books or a CD that will give you more information.