For futher information or to make reservations contact us at 718 720 1097
October 6, 2015 7:00 pm
Nanci Bachmann
Maturing in God – Fee $20
Aging. . .the opportunity of a lifetime-developed by Richard P. Johnson, PhD, is a short course in living agelessly in 12 powerful lessons. (This program will be given over a two year period.) Each will help you tap the wisdom and grace that comes with learning form the “master teacher” – aging. In the first session we’ll do an overview of the 12 lessons and focus on one of the lessons-Delighting in Connectedness- the degree to which we can deeply share ourselves with others and find joy therein.
November 7, 2015 10:00am to 2:00pm
Maranela Iribame
What Happened? How Do We Talk About Grief and Loss? Fee $40
Grief and loss are the least talked about topics. This session will help participants look at old beliefs dealing with loss and at what other losses have affected their lives. This workshop will provide information on what to say, what not to say, and what to do when words are not necessary.
November 19, 2015 7:00 pm
Grace Conti
Drawing From the Deep Well Fee $20
Through prayerful encounters, participants will grow to learn howto be more present to encounter the Presence of the Divine even in the ordinariness of life. As we draw from this deep will of Grace, amazement that we are who we are, “wondrously made (Psalm 139) will be the framework by which we experience radical wonder.” Come, Let’s BE AMAZED TOGETHER.
December 8, 2015 7:00pm
Sister Gerri Contendo, MPF
Advent Evening of Reflection Fee $20
An invitation to all to come together and gently immerse themselves into the Mystery of the Incarnation. The evening will consist of prayer, presentation, quiet time and sharing. This advent experience will culminate with a social gathering and homemade sweets for all to enjoy.
October 23- 25, 2015 Arrival: 4:30pm
Sister Gerri Contento, MFP
An Autumn Weekend Silent Directed Retreat Fee $250 – $360
At this time of nature’s special beauty, come to meet God during a weekend of quiet reflection and prayer with the companionship of a spiritual director. (No previous experience in spiritual direction is necessary).
Whispers from “The Hill”
Look for Whispers as a periodic feature on our website. These are words of inspiration to awaken and nurture your spiritual life.
“Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.” Aesop Click here to read more…