Scripture Readings
Ezekiel 37:12-14
Romans 8:8-11
John 11:1-45
Today’s Gospel places Mary, Martha and a crowd of people at the tomb of Lazarus. Jesus finally arrived -four days after his friend’s burial. Some of the people had hope that Jesus could and would do something. Others were deeply grieving, thinking it was too late for him to do anything. Most of the people wondered what course of action Jesus would take.
None of them expected to hear the words:
” Roll away the stone.” . . . and they did !
” Lazarus, come out” . . . and he did !
” Untie him and set him free . . . and they followed Jesus’ command !
I have often wondered how Lazarus lived the rest of his life.
But right now that really does not matter .
What does matter is how I will live the rest of my life, remembering what God has done for me.
Remembering how His grace removed stumbling stones from my life?
Remembering how God called me out of my comfort zone and led me beyond my fear?
How God has set free from the chains of selfishness,unfair judgements, the resistance to move on in life, to forgive, to reconcile, and the inability to embrace myself and others with compassion?
What does matter is how will I give gratitude to God who calls me to new life each day. How will I use my gift of freedom to set others free?
Live life to the fullest this Lent
Sr. Gerrie Contento, M.P.F.