God, our Father,
in meditating on the open heart of Jesus,
you let your servant,
Franziska Lechner,
realize the one thing necessary in her life:
Communion with you through your Beloved Son
in the love of the Holy Spirit.
By this deep experience of your never-ending love,
you urged her to make your love visible in the world.
To your greater glory,
she tirelessly worked
for the good of all those
whom you had entrusted to her care.
We sincerely hope,
that you have made her worthy of your presence
and beseech you:
Grant us, through her intercession,
help in our requests
in order that we may partake in the joy
of seeing her glorified also here on earth.
For this we beseech you
through Jesus Christ, your son,
our Lord and God,
who in the unity of the Holy Spirit
lives and reigns with you for all eternity.
Celebrating Our Foundress’s Birthday
Mother Franziska Lechner
Servant of God
Born in Edling, Bavaria, on January 1, 1833, Franziska’s father whisked her off to the church across the street where Franziska Lechner was Baptized. Thus began her life with Our Lord.
Little did she know then, nor did her family, what God had planned for her – to spread His Love to all the world.
Little did they know that the Congregation of Sisters that she would found in 1868 in Vienna, Austria, would be called “Daughters of God’s Love” “Daughters of Divine Charity”!
Mother Franziska’s charism is still carried out today by her many Sisters in countries throughout the globe- serving God and His people in various ministries -to make God’s love visible throughout the world.