Sister M. William McGovern, a native Staten Islander born in Great Kills, celebrated her 60th jubilee on Saturday at St. Joseph Hill Academy convent. A Mass followed by dinner with Sisters’ closest friends and members of her congregation marked this happy occasion.
It was only fitting that St. Joseph Hill be the setting for this celebration. Sister William came to SJHA as an 8th grader and graduated from the high school before entering the novitiate of the order.
Sister taught English, French and Journalism at St. Joseph Hill, was moderator of the yearbook and the school newspaper and began the guidance department of the high school.
Sister served as a member of the Provincial Council of the Sisters numerous times, was chosen six times as a delegate to the General Chapters of her Congregation, led the province as Provincial Superior four times and most recently oversaw the building of a state-of-the-art independent and assisted living convent for her Sisters on the grounds of SJHA.
In addition, Sister William co-founded the Development office of the Congregation and began the Lay Associate program of her province.
As she said recently to her high school friend, Jane Milza, “It is not I but God who has been the force behind what I have accomplished.” With a twinkle in her Irish eyes she added “I am happy that He picked a girl from Staten Island to help Him do His work!”