Sal and his crew have been busy and he still has time to explain what is going on to me! The string marks the outline of the new building and now we all have to don hard hats when we visit the site. Even Father Dennis visiting from California was given a hard hat.
Sister Charlotte
The Demolition Continues
Well the demolition continues. I am glad that I am an early riser since work on the site begins at 7:00am. Part of the Academy building must be demolished so that there is space to work between the new building and the old.
Construction has Begun!
The building is a go! All permits have been signed and our builder, Sal Tirro, is Johnny on the Spot! I have a bird’s eye view of the construction since my room is on the corner directly in the middle of the new addition. A bit of demolition had to be done prior to the start of the construction but you know just from watching that these guys are professionals! As I hear the jackhammers roar or the bulldozers start up, I do say a little prayer for everyone’s safety!
Dismantling of the Pool
Oh, this is a very tough day for the Sisters. The pool was dismantled and the area is down to bare earth. Just think- we have to face a whole summer without the benefit of our old friend. Perhaps when all is completed a new pool could be installed. I, for one, certainly hope so!
Permits & Trees
I understand that the permits have been submitted and it is time to remove some of the trees that would impede the construction. It is nice to see that there is not a full blown clearing and many of the trees on the site will remain intact.
Feast of St. Joseph the Worker
It is the feast of St. Joseph the Worker and a perfect day to break ground for the new convent addition. The weather turned out to be picturesque and it was wonderful to see so many friends who came to be with the Sisters at this momentous occasion. It was especially nice to see the Hill Singers . . .they looked so good in their uniforms and it brought back so many happy memories for me. (editor’s note: Sister Charlotte was a long time principal of St. Joseph Hill Academy) May God bless this major project and all who have a hand in the construction. My prayer is that all stay safe during the building of our new home.