Sister Charlotte
What a View!
I took a walk down Landis Avenue and what a view! I really get a feeling for the size of the project. Sal said that he will take me into the building once it is safe to see the progress on the interior rooms.
I took a walk down Landis Avenue and what a view! I really get a feeling for the size of the project. [Read more…] about What a View!
Roof Framing in Place
2013 and the roof framing is in place. Our construction team has outlined an area to accept the round stained glass window of the Congregation’s seal which will be relocated.
Upper Level Taking Shape
Here we are in mid-December and the upper level is taking shape. Once more, our prayers are for good weather, at least until the roof in put on.
Working Thanksgiving to Meet Our July Move In Goal
Our team continues working on the garden level. Then men are so dedicated to this project, they even chose to come and work on Thanksgiving so that we may meet our July Move In Deadline. We thank God every day for our wonderful workers.
Garden Level Progress
The Super Storm Sandy has left her mark on Staten Island. Although we are all fine, the construction is delayed. The construction workers are beginning to lay the work for the mid or garden level. This level will connect directly to the existing convent with a passage way that will be built during phase two.